Based on the Anti-Terrorism Law issued by Royal Decree No. 8/2007,
the Law on Combating Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing promulgated by Royal Decree No. 30/2016,
the National Committee for Combating Terrorism Decision No. 1/2022 Issuing a regulation for implementing the United Nations Security Council resolutions issued under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter on preventing, suppressing and financing terrorism, as well as preventing, suppressing and obstructing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their financing,
the National Committee for Combating Terrorism Decision No. 2/2022 on the formation of the Targeted Financial Sanctions Committee,
the approval of the Targeted Financial Sanctions Committee during its meeting No. 1/2023 Adding the names of some individuals and entities on the domestic terrorism list,
and in the pursuance of the public interest,
It has been decided