Royal Decree No. 5/80 promulgating the Land Law of 1980

We, Qaboos Bin Said, Sultan of Oman

After perusal of the Royal Decree No. 26/75 Promulgating the Law Organizing the State Administrative Apparatuses and its amendments,

Law No. 4/72 Regarding Distribution of Fertile Lands,

Law No. 6/72 Regarding Organization of Lands,

the Law on the Expropriation for Public Benefit promulgated by Royal Decree 64/78,

Law No. 1/74 Regarding the Establishment and Organization of the Capital Municipality and its amendments by Law No. 4/75,

Royal Decree 18/77 Adding the competence to regulate and manage the state's private properties, both real estate and movable, and care for them, and preserve them, to the Ministry of Finance.

and in pursuance of public interest,

have decreed as follows


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